Yoga Nidra
Ollie is available for facilitation of Yoga Nidra sessions at events, retreats and in-house courses. Please email me on for more details
Yoga Nidra is a guided journey of self-healing, visualisation and deep relaxation. After some preliminary stretching and breathwork, participants lie on their back in the yogic posture Shavasana and journey into the twilight zone between the waking and sleeping state. During the various stages of the practice, participants are guided deeper and deeper into the yoga nidra trance, where healing and experience of high states of consciousness occur effortlessly.
In Yogic language, Yoga Nidra is an excellent practice for developing Pratyahara, the fifth limb of yoga, which is concerned with turning the senses inward as a foundation for deeper meditative states. The various stages of the practice purify the subconscious mind, open the third eye chakra, cultivate the witness state and aid in the smooth flow of prana (vital energy) around the body and into parts of the being that may have become cut off from it.
This powerful Tantric practice dates back to ancient India, but has been re-popularised in recent years by Swami Satyananda, founder of the Bihar School of Yoga. Since its re-emergence on the contemporary yoga scene, various teachers have added their own particular slant to the practice, and these days the term Yoga Nidra is used to describe a wide variety of relaxation, visualisation and self healing techniques, some of which bear little resemblance to the original practice or to Satyananda’s version.
My own approach is to keep to the essential structure of the original practice whilst adapting it and adding to it in ways that enhance its effectiveness and relevance to modern life in the West. Over the years, I have added my own innovations that have been inspired by psychotherapeutic techniques and Polarity Therapy, amongst others.
I believe Yoga Nidra to be a real gift of a practice, one that soothes, heals and inspires, purifying and harmonising our consciousness in ways that are of great benefit for both our spiritual and everyday life.